Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cranky lady

Came home from the hospital a couple of hours ago.  I am feeling torn between the blog post I feel I SHOULD write about how blessed I am because my surgery went so smoothly and my first day of recovery has been pretty darn easy from a medical standpoint... but unfortunately the honest truth at this moment is that I am feeling really cranky and annoyed at the world, including my cellphone, which randomly completely died yesterday and has been total unresponsive to my attempts at resuscitation, the nurse who misinformed me of the hospital pharmacy's closing time so it was already closed when my mom went to get my medication. After visiting 2 other pharmacies and calling 4 others and striking out every time, I finally gave up and called my surgeon's office and the answering service paged the doctor. He called me immediately (love him!) and was very sweet and he called in a different, more readily available medication, which my mom is out picking up now.  I can't seem to find a comfortable position to rest in and my autistic son is having a really, really hard time with the changes to his routine that are necessary this week.  Our plan that my mom would take care of me so my partner could take care of our son sounded reasonable in advance but is proving far more complicated for a variety of reasons. The most comfortable chair in our house happens to be the cat's favorite too and no matter how many times I shoo her away she keeps trying to climb back into my (very sore) lap. Did I mention there was also an explosive diarrhea episode (my son's, not mine) which my poor partner had to deal with all on her own because I am definitely not up to scrubbing the soiled carpet? We all just need to get through the next hour and then we can hopefully all get some much neded sleep. The bus will pick my son up tomorrow around 8am and I am so looking forward to having time to rest and relax while he is at camp.

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