Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bummed about thumb

I woke up a few days ago with a weird pain in the base of my thumb.  It got worse all day long and soon I couldn't use my left hand at all without sharp pain shooting up my arm.  I tried wrapping it, I tried heat, I tried ice, I took Tylenol.  I felt sorry for myself because I couldn't take Advil or Aleve (surgeon's orders due to gastritis.)  The pain just got worse. I was in pain and it was frustrating and I felt helpless.  And soon the old pattern thoughts rolled in.  "Poor me! I hurt!  I deserve ice cream." and "Maybe I'll feel better if I treat myself to a hot soft pretzel" and "Are there still leftover jelly beans?  Where did I hide them?" Then I caught myself and I realized something- what if this happened just a few weeks after my surgery and turning to food wasn't an option? Yikes! So I tried some other guilty pleasures to cheer me up.  I downloaded a new song, "Sing" by Ed Sheeran.  I watched The People's Court and Family Feud, favorites of mine from childhood.  My thumb still hurt A LOT but I succeeded in lifting my grumpy mood.  The pain got worse overnight and so I went to urgent care in the morning.  Thanks to a cortisone shot and prescription steroids I am feeling much better- I can even type again for short periods!  How do you cheer yourself up or distract yourself when you're not feeling well?

1 comment:

  1. Babe, I'm really impressed. What you are doing is courageous in the most powerful way. We are told so often to "just do it", "get over it" or some other cliche about how we should be able to "accomplish everything we want by trying harder when the reality is that the human animal is not programmed to do life alone or without help. I'm so impressed with your asking for help, accepting it and continuing the journey. With you all the way.
